
Why is lipreading so important?

If you find that you hear better when you are looking at someone full face, then you have probably started lipreading already. Practising it in a more formal way enhances your abilities. It is a very useful tool to help when you are in a noisy situation, and there are techniques for checking that you have heard correctly.

You will be able to learn and practise lipreading skills in a friendly and safe environment with others who also have a hearing loss. Our regular Tutor, Kay Murray, is a qualified member of the Association of Teachers of Lipreading to Adults.

Useful Resources

Please enjoy these documents. Our group’s aim is to encourage learning to lipread.

Not only is it a skill if you suffer from hearing loss, but if you can hear very well it is also lots of fun.

We offer many helpful tips, lipreading exercises, and short stories and poems.