NHS 111 - No Access by Text!!!!
It is a sad indictment of the NHS111 system that it is not possible to access the service by text. So say you live alone, it is out of surgery hours, you need urgent assistance but cannot use the internet and cannot hear on the phone. What do you do? Go without. (Unless you use British Sign Language.) Bodies such as the Surrey Coalition for Disablement, ably supported by Sight for Surrey are waging a campaign to get this altered. Indeed at a seminar in January 2020, Department of Health officials promised it would be added to the specification for the next update to the service. But two things are emerging. Firstly, the NHS appears to be blocking this, and secondly, it is rumoured that the 111 service is to become the gateway for accessing all GP services. Please write you your MP now asking for this to be properly debated in Parliament.